Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Good Vampires, Twilight, and Metaphor Morphing

Can there be such a thing as a good vampire? I am not sure I have an answer to this but Doug Wilson is convinced that there cannot be a good vampire. To him it is a clear example of metaphor morphing "trying to overturn the meaning of symbols that have served our people well for centuries" (Vampires with Self-Control). This is, itself an example of "moving the ancient landmarks" which is warned against in Deuteronomy 19:14. To prove this, Wilson embarked on a commitment to read Twilight and blog his way through the book. His entries can be found at the Credenda/Agenda site, here. I have really enjoyed them. They have been eye-opening in a number of ways. I have decided, partly because of Wilson's decision to read some of the literature my students are reading and that my own kids will soon want to read. I read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books not long ago and am in year four of Harry Potter. I had watched the movies, but not read the books. I had impressions of the stories and their dangers, but nothing hard to back it up with. I realized that the instant I said "Well I haven't actually read the books, but..." my credibility to critique the books would be gone. I don't think we necessarily have to read to watch everything to critique it (Prov. 24:30-34) but sometimes it can be useful to critique with hard facts. I felt that to be the case here.

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