Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Davidson on economic stability

The secret of Charleston's stability, if it was any secret, was only the old Southern principle that material considerations, however important, are means not ends, and should always be subdued to the ends they are supposed to serve, should never be allowed to dominate, never be mistaken for ends in themselves. If they are mistaken for ends, they dominate everything, and then you get instability. You get he average modern city, you get New York and Detroit, you get industrial civilization, world wars, Marxist communism, the New Deal.

Donald Davidson, "Some Day, In Old Charleston" Still Rebels, Still Yankees, 222.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I Passed!

I defended my thesis on Donald Davidson on Nov. 19. There were some pretty tough questions but I managed to answer them to the satisfaction of my committee members. I now have to submit my revised thesis to my adviser and then, once he signs off on it, to the Graduate School for publication. All this has to be done before Dec. 5. After that I just wait until Dec. 19 to go down and pick up my diploma and drop off several milk crates full of books to the Library.
I can't believe I'm done. It has been a very interesting experience to put this much energy into a project of this size and get it done well.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thesis Defense

My thesis defense has been scheduled for Wednesday (Nov. 19). I was incorrect in that I am not defending the new draft of my thesis, but rather the draft I sent my committee. I also have to defend coursework I took with these men. For the three men on my committee that means I have to answer questions on General Historiography, American Historiography, and the American South. All of those were fun classes, but I did take them a while ago.
I am nervous, but anxious to be done with this phase of my life. It doesn't mean anything immediately (compensation-wise) nor am I looking to immediately begin working towards a doctorate, but it represents a lot of time and energy on my part and it is exciting to see it coming to a close.
By the end of the day on Wednesday, I should know whether I get to put M.A. on my stuff or not.
Until then, I am reading stuff they have told me they want me thinking about and working on the revisions for my thesis.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Check out this video from a wonderful classical school in Boise ID. They really know how to integrate curriculum up there.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Armistice Day

Though we celebrate Veterans Day on November 11, much of Europe (well, Britain and France anyway) celebrate Armistice Day. It remembers the day that the Armistice was signed, ending the First World War. Though some fighting continued until word was spread and the official documents were signed, it still represents the end of that tragic conflict.
In America, we broaden the significance of this day to remember all veterans who have served (or continue to serve) our country in wars. This is a nice sentiment as well. However, I don't like that we observe the day on Monday of whatever week Nov. 11 falls on. This whole business about observing holidays on Mondays so government employees and bank employees can get a long weekend is bunk.
Many people have served and died over the generations so that we can be free. Remember them. Honor them!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

What I'm listening to

Two musical styles I have grown to appreciate more over the past year or so are guitar and piano. To excellent examples of these instruments playing classical and not-so-classical music are Ludovici Einaudi and the California Guitar Trio.

I found both of these artists via Echoes, which I've mentioned before. If you get it on NPR, give it a listen. I have enjoyed a great deal of what I hear there.
The links above are to Amazon. I don't get anything if you buy them there. I like Amazon because they typically have lower prices and I can preview most music there (iTunes does this as well, but I don't know how to link to iTunes).
I hope you enjoy these musicians.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Guy Fawkes Day

Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason, and Plot,
I can think of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.

Happy Guy Fawkes Day!

Classical Thought for the Day

"The beauty of the classical curriculum is that it dwells on one problem, one author, or one epoch long enough to allow even the youngest student a chance to exercise his mind in a scholarly way: to make connections and to trace developments, lines of reasoning, patterns of action, recurring symbolisms, plots, and motifs." David V. Hicks, Norms and Nobility, 133.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Today is Election Day. I doubt anyone could not know that this year. But nonetheless, get out and vote. Vote for leaders for our nation who will uphold the sanctity of human life. Vote for leaders for our nation who will cherish godliness more than wealth. Vote for leaders for our nation who will lead and not follow.
I am off to my local precinct in just a few minutes to see if I can get in before I have to go to school. I hope I can vote this morning. I have decided to vote for Chuck Baldwin for President since Ron Paul could not be persuaded to run as an independent. I understand Paul's choice, though I wish it weren't true. It will be generations before an independent will be elected to any major political office. We are stuck in a two-party system, whether we like it or not. That being said, I will also be voting Democratic in a couple of races here. After looking through the candidates, I believe the choices are solid choices. They best represent what I would like to see happen in this country.
Well, here we go. Enjoy the returns tonight. It is sure to be an interesting evening.