Monday, October 20, 2008

Attempting to follow politics

With my attention on my M.A. so far, I have been unable to really follow politics like I'd like. I did get to watch the third presidential debate and I have seen the skits SNL has been putting on (though I missed Palin on Saturday night) thanks to YouTube.
I have kept up with Doug Wilson's thoughts on Governor Palin over at his Blog and Mablog site. Very interesting stuff. Andrew Kern's insights at CiRCE are also excellent. I honestly don't know who to vote for. I am not stimulated by either of our two presidential candidates. I also do not buy the "throiwng your vote away" philosophy. In the absence of a write-in candidate I may follow Chesterton's advice and vote for the worse of the evils out there just so we can really see how bad it is.
Gar DeMar's website had a article on not losing sight of where the real action is this election season: the House of Representatives. I'm still pondering all this in my mind and looking at the options. I doubt I'll give any secrets away here even once the election is past.
I always enjoy watching election returns come in. November 4 is right around the corner.

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