Something I've noticed about using my Kindle is it adds a level of privacy and anonymity to reading that I haven't experienced before. I'm not so sure this is altogether a good thing. I've been reading a lot of fiction this year and no one really knows what but me. Why? My wife could be sneaky and turn on my Kindle every day or two to see what I'm reading, but that would be a little like opening up my diary or journal. I think it is mostly because she can't see the books stacked by my bed. I'm not ashamed of what I read, but there is a level of oversight that everyone needs in a fallen world. Just the other day she saw a physical book, a volume by N. T. Wright, by the bed and asked me about it. We had a brief, but helpful conversation and went our ways. I wonder what conversations we would have had over my reading The DaVinci Code?