Friday, August 1, 2008

Hermeneutics Part Two

Today we will look at the first concept of Biblical Hermeneutics, Sola Scriptura
Only Scripture has the authority over the Christian’s faith and practice. Those men who sought to reclaim the Church for its central task recovered this during the Reformation of the 16th century. Scripture is the very breath (2 Timothy 3:16) and word (Hebrews 4:12) of God and should be treated with the utmost respect and honor. In the Old Testament the example is given that when the prophet speaks he speaks "Thus saith the Lord." He speaks for God. Scripture teaches that all of Scripture is to be interpreted in that manner (2 Timothy 3:16). If Scripture says something, it has been said for our benefit (Romans 15:4) and should be understood as nothing other than the very words of God himself to us (1 John 5:9). As such it carries the same weight as a direct revelation from God. A simple understanding of the nature and character of God would prove that when God speaks, as our creator, He has the right to hold us accountable to his decrees. Disobedience is sin, punishable by eternal death. We ignore sola scriptura to our own peril.

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