Gar DeMar, from American Vision, sends out email articles on a regular basis to those signed up to get them. Often they are particularly insightful. I thought the one from July 8 was very helpful to me as a teacher. It helped me critique not only my students but myself. See for yourself.
Is the Internet Making Some People Stupid and Gullible?
The next step is to take action. Simply identifying the problem is not enough. At the SCL conference a couple of weeks ago I heard several good talks from people and some that weren't so good. Those that weren't so good inevitably had conceded some critical aspect of the Christian antithesis in their educational philosophy. The most obvious one I heard was that teens today are under a lot of pressure that we don't get and we (as teachers) must accept that fact. There was no hint of identifying this trend and then looking to how we can transcend this or call them out of their self-absorbed lives into communion with the rest of the civilized world. No, we'll just concede defeat and try to "meet them where they are."
I wonder what would have happened if Jesus had acted that way? He did indeed identify our central problem and meet us where we were, but only as an avenue to call us forth out of our sin and misery into vital communion with the Godhead.
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